CAE Process Integration and Automation

Some examples of CAE process integration and automation applications are:

  • Simulation data management.
  • Fluid-structure Interaction analysis.
  • CAE and CAT pre- and postprocessing (special purpose  parametric mesh generators, selective mesh refinement, data visualization,...).
  • Postprocessing of test data like scaling, normalization, filtering,...
  • Integration with external solvers.
  • Using knowledge bases for better FE modeling.
  • ...

Simulation Data Management

Some type of simulation data management are

  • Converting finite element mesh data between different formats
  • Backup and archiving
  • ...

Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis


F. Palloni, A New Tool for Multidisciplinary CAE Simulations, Presented at  the  NAFEMS 2005 World Congress, May 17-20, 2005, Malta.
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