Structural Dynamics in Industry (3 Days) - Technology Course
Structural dynamics have become increasingly important in different fields such as automotive, aeronautics, consumer and sporting goods, where the need for noise, vibration and harshness performance is ever-increasing. This expansion is spurred by the availability of computing power to better simulate phenomena through more refined models.
This three-day intensive course provides an overview of the basic notions and explains how to deal with industrial structures without becoming too specific. Methods are outlined with minimum mathematics and are illustrated by practical software implementations and applications.
The FEMtools Dynamics software will be used for hands-on exercises during approximately half of the time. Participants are invited to bring a portable computer to use during the hands-on exercises.
Date and Location
No course scheduled at this time.
Intended Audience
The course is suitable for anyone interested in learning the state-of-the-art in simulation-based structural dynamics methods. Participants typically have a background in finite element analysis, structural dynamics, modal testing or noise and vibration troubleshooting. The methods shown can be applied to a wide range of industrial applications.
Course Contents
- The 1-DOF system
- Short review of finite element techniques
- Normal and complex modes analysis
- Model reduction (Guyan, dynamic, ...)
- Modal and direct approaches to frequency and transient response analysis
- Using approximations and improved solutions for dynamic response analysis (Pade, dynamic compensation, residual vectors,...)
- Substructuring techniques (component modes synthesis, modal-based assembly, FRF-based assembly)
- Overview of damping modeling techniques
- Introduction to experimental dynamics (time histories, FRFs, mass properties extraction, modal identification)
- Structural dynamics modification for fast re-analysis
- Probabilistic analysis and robustness
- Correlation to test data
- Sensitivity analysis and model updating
- Optimization of dynamics response
- Industrial examples
Course Language
The course language is English.