Quotes from Course Participants

Read here the comments from participants of our previous courses:


"Everthing was explained clearly and understandably. The instructors are well-informed and always ready to help" (Zeyun Song, TU Wildau, Germany)


"The course gives a solid basis for working with FEMtools and a good understanding for potential applications" (Mathias Braun, thyssenkrupp Presta AG, Liechtenstein)


"AN EXCELLENT COURSE! well paced, interesting and directly relevant to industry. The course was one of the best value, thought provoking and best presented I have ever been on. I could not recommend it highly enough. Thank you for all the effort you went through to bring this subject alive during the presentation and all the great food between them!" (Paul Bennett,  Rolls-Royce, UK)


"I was waiting for this course for two years and it really met my expectations. The course notes are really clear and useful, with a very good state-of-the-art." (Inge Isasa, IKERLAN, Spain)


"I think the software is very clean, powerful, and optimized" (Iman Sabahi, KU Leuven, Belgium)


"The course notes were very interesting, covering all aspects of the matter, also from a practical point of view. The course met my expectations." (Carlo Rainieri, University of Naples, Federico II, Italy)


"The course notes are complete and well-structured. The hands-on exercises create a good insight in the practical use. The course contained a good combination between theory and practice." (Joni Bervoets, Hansen Transmissions, Belgium)


"Definitely worth taking part. Opened my eyes to the possibilities" (Robin Pianowski, TU Wildau. Germany)


"The content is inspiring and gives me the chance to improve my modeling capabilities. The instructor definitely has a vast knowledge on validation in various areas." (Marius Cronje, CERAM Research)


"The course met my expectation plus more than that. It was very good to have a technical instructor instead of a salesman." (Pia Redanz, Nokia, Denmark)


"The course gives a good overview of the Model Updating topic and that's exactly what I expected. The notes are a good mix of theory and applications. Very good!" (Andreas Anstatt, LUK, Germany)


"The course met my expectations completely. Good selection of hands-on exercises." (Karl-Heinz Dufour, Rolls-Royce Deutschland)


"Excellent course, met my expectations fully." (Dr. Mike Casey, QinetiQ, UK)


"The instructor has a very broad background and knows very well what he is talking about. To my opinion, FEMtools is a very good software product, which is well overthought, with a good architecture and a high potential." (Philippe Geuens, Atlas Copco Airpower, Belgium)


"I had no experience with FEMtools before. Now I could prepare a test and start an updating." (Yves Govers, University of Kassel, Germany)


"I was looking for a theoretical background in Model Validation. This course completely met this expectation." (Jean-Philippe Noel, University of Liege, Belgium)


Disclaimer: Please note that these comments are personal opinions only, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the employer/company.